2 Month COVID Update + 11 Grounding Tips

Well America, here we are entering yet another extension of my state’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” emergency order. As of today, the governor of Michigan has decided to continue her emergency laws ordering residents to stay home and not engage in large groups, publicly. To be honest, I have mixed feelings about the government’s stay home order. One on hand, public safety is a priority. On the other hand people need to work and the misinformation regarding the transmission of COVID-19 has led to mass fear and lack of critical thinking. There has been widespread speculation regarding the reported numbers related to COVID-19 and their accuracy. It is likely that these numbers have been drastically inflated so I hate when they use deaths as a justification for the country to remain closed and on lockdown. I would just like for everyone that is reporting death statistics to also highlight the number of recoveries, which they don’t. Unfortunately, contrary to the name, these States are not very united in their plans to re-open and that is a major cause for concern. As I understand that each state has individual needs and things to account for, the lack of continuity will lead to problems. Honestly, at this point I am over these restrictions and executive orders. “I ain’t no expert, I’m just hurt”-Kanye West.

In other news, I have been more mindful of spending my time doing things I find to be constructive. For me, this has looked like coloring books, sudoku, more time on my balcony, reading and scheduled video calls with friends. With the seasons  hanging and the weather warming, I have been inclined to spend more time outside. Even in Michigan, where we have gotten snow in May, I have found a way to spend more time outdoors strengthening my body. Sometimes I’m able to sit outside for 30-45 mins and others I’m all bundled up and only stay outside 5-10 mins. Simply put, I stress the importance of getting outside to help strengthen my immune system and relax. I came across a great article with 10 great reasons to get outside, check it out here. One day while sitting outside, I realized that I wanted to be more mindful about the time that I am outside. That thought reminded me of the practice of grounding or earthing. In my experience, I have found grounding to be very beneficial, and I go into that more in my grounding post. If you are unfamiliar with grounding, this is the practice of stabilizing your body's bioelectrical field by transferring energy from the ground into the body. Basically grounding is using direct contact with the earth to charge and/or balance your body. Recently, I have noticed more people talking about this practice and am glad that people are using this age old technique. With that being said, I want to share 10 ways that you can practice grounding. Don’t worry, I have included indoor and outdoor activities so you can refer to this year round. I hope that something I share resonates with you!

11 Ways to Practice Grounding

  1. Gardening: This is a great way to have direct contact with the earth, and if you are planting food you get an additional benefit of the harvest!

  2. Sun Charging: I could talk all day about the benefits of sun charging, so I wrote a post on it - check it out HERE! Pro tip: also try moon charging. 

  3. Contact with the Earth: stand, walk, sit or lay down (any 2 connection points, 2 feet, elbow and knee). If you are feeling the need the release some energy, try rolling around like a cat. Try to avoid asphalt and grass treated with pesticides, as those materials are harmful. 

  4. Crystals: Using crystals is a great way to practice grounding anytime, anywhere. 

    1. Hematite stone helps with balance: being calm and centered. Helps to eliminate negative energy within the body & energy field by collecting the negative energy from you into the stone.

    2. Smoky quartz helps with grounding and stabilizing. It is a powerful root chakra stone. Works to replace negative vibrations with light and positivity.

    3. Shungite helps balance root chakra. Helps you deal with emotions, unhealthy thoughts and releasing things that don’t serve you. Pulls things to the surface so you can deal with them and strength to cut those cords. 

    4. Black tourmaline is good for clearing and protection. This is a stone I wear daily.

    5. Onyx helps with focus, perseverance and directing energy towards goals. 

    6. Ruby activates passion. Helps to boost confidence and increase determination. https://beadage.net/gemstones/uses/grounding/

  5. Take Baths: Add in earth elements like salt (epsom, Himalayan or sea salt). If you have herbs, feel free to add those in too. 

  6. Eat Root Veggies: Potatoes, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, turmeric and yams are all great examples!

  7. Take Cold Showers: This can help increase immunity, reduce fat and even elevate your mood by triggering dopamine. If you are new to this, I would recommend spending the last 3-5 minutes of your shower in cold water and gradually increasing the time every shower or so. After a week or two you should be ready to brave an entire cold shower. 

  8. Meditation/Visualization: I think we can all agree that this is a great practice for numerous reasons. Setting a grounding intention and doing visualization techniques like visualizing roots growing from you or visualizing light (green or white) shining into your body and from within are all examples of way to use meditation intentionally to help ground yourself. 

  9. Practice Qi Gong: Qi Gong is a moving meditation that helps to increase your qi - which is your life force energy within. While on my silent meditation retreat, we started our days with qi gong. This was helpful to not only get our blood flowing first thing in the mornings, but it also helps to move and refresh your energy. This practice is often called a moving meditation because it is quiet and low impact. It is a series of deep breathing and easeful movements that can be practiced anytime, anywhere.  

  10. Cover your crown with a hat or headwrap: In many religions, there are designated and sometimes required head dressings. Have you ever considered why? Your crown is the highest point of your physical energy and said to be a source of energy or chakra center. It is also said that your hair hold your energy and emotions. This is especially true if you have locs. Those of us with locs know that our hair does not shed like loose hair does, meaning it is not able to cleanse or purge itself in a traditional way. I find that when I am emotionally vulnerable, it is especially important for me to wrap my hair. 

  11. Walk on ceramic tile or concrete floors: If you are indoors and unable to make contact with soil, these are popular flooring options that you may be able to find. 
